Monday, April 4, 2011

Football In Spring!

This past weekend held an event that has been long awaited for us Bacon's! If you know me and my family, you know how we LOVE football! Especially my brother, Justin! His love for the game has been his love for his whole life! Justin went to Brevard College on a football scholarship 4 years ago, wow has it been that long ago? Being young and unsure of what the best thing to do then, he quit after his first year and came home to shock all of us. ARMY? "What are you kidding me?" Not only was the army the last thing we expected, but military period. We, as a family, have no military background at all, and not saying it's bad or wrong, it was just a huge punch to the gut. So the next year held lots of trials, with Justin moving and stepping out on a different limb. Well, it only got harder from that point on. He was called to active service in Iraq in February of 2008. The day he left was probably the third most-hard day I can recall living, the first two being the days I sent my husband to war. Justin has been my best friend all through my life! Of course we fought like brothers and sisters normally do, but if we were thrown into a cardboard box we could survive and make it our home! Trying so hard, I tried to stay as strong as I could in the duration of him being gone for a year, there were days though I will admit, I just simply lost my marbles even to something as simple as a song. Jesus getting us all though this time, this journey too now has passed. Justin has a story for a life, and he has been somewhere Jesus called him to be for that certain amount of time for a reason, we don't understand why sometimes but it's not up to us either. He served, lived, and is back home again! All that to tell you watch Justin on the football field is very heart-pumping! God has been so awesome in working it all out so that he could go back to college and do his dream! He has 3 years of eligibility and got accepted at Lenior Rhyne, where he started this spring semester! They have been doing their spring practicing for about a month now, and this past weekend we got to go down for the Big Spring Game! He proudly is wearing the #32 Jersey! ! And might I add, he sure did Love playing Saturday! He now takes the game a little bit more seriously, and is a whole lot more mature now! He also weighs about 35 pounds heavier!!!! So here is to more Football, and Go Bears!!!! #32 Justin Bacon !!!! From your sis to you, I love you with all my heart, and am so proud of You !!!!

Thursday, March 31, 2011

Laundro-Mat Fun !!!

So....the other night I decided to go to the laundry-mat to get about ummm 4 loads done, (yes I said 4...F.O.U.R.)!!!! Holy Cow, what was I thinking???? Well our dryer is completely out of commission for the time being. Instead of being like Laura Ingles Wilder, and hanging them out to dry I was in a hurry and wanted to get them done, pronto! We used to, as kids, go to the laundry mat with Mom and she used to make our trip so much fun! So as A Mom now, I wanted to make our trip fun too! After loading all the washers, I suggested we go get a bite to eat at "The Chicken House", aka Zaxby's! We ate our grub and headed back over to the mat and loaded our clothes in the dryers! So the fun begins...........First Mason figured out he could play a dirt-bike game on Justin's phone (where would we be without technology), then we rolled around in the carts !!!! Allie loved this!!! So Justin being the husband he is, says to me "I have a game for ya to play", ok well I know what Justin usually does to me is always "Smart-ellicy" because he gets a kick out of my blonde-moments to say the least. I pick his phone up and guess what? I am right, it's a Moron Test. How CRUEL? ? This test is literally a brain-teaser but one that if you don't get right you have to try, try again so that you succeed. So I get done in what I think is good time, and he says "Ha My time was better"! He's so goofy! Our trip to what could be considered dreadful, was actually a very fun time and some quality family moments that I hope to never forget! Another one of those days to add to The Journey we call Life!

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Daily Inspiration :-)

New Way to Journal !

Procrastination is one of my biggest Flaws....So as I have hesitated on starting my own blog, today is the day that it all  comes to an end. One of my favorite things to do, is to keep a journal and to go back years later and read those entrys! Where life has taken its turns and to see the improvement or the hardships that we thought we could not get through, to see that turnout! So as I start my blog, I hope that you will enjoy and follow me through life's journeys and moments!!!
Here's to the Blogging world!